NAMI Connection is a recovery support group program for adults living with mental illness that is expanding in communities throughout the country. These groups provide a place that offers respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope.
NAMI Connection groups offer a casual and relaxed approach to sharing the challenges and successes of coping with mental illness. Each group:
Meets twice a month on Thursdays via Zoom for 75 minutes
Is offered free of charge
Follows a flexible structure without an educational format
Does not recommend or endorse any medications or other medical therapies
All groups are confidential – participants can share as much or as little personal information as they wish.
Meetings will be guided by NAMI Connection’s Principles of Support.
Who can attend a NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group?
Support groups are open to all adults with mental illness, regardless of diagnosis. Participants should feel welcome to drop by and share feelings, difficulties, or successes.
Everyone is a valued participant.
Who can I contact for more information?
Email Emily at emilymakesart@gmail.com for more information or to register.