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Family Support

  • First United Methodist Church 400 East Grand River Avenue Brighton, MI, 48116 United States (map)

The NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Participating in a support group can help you gain insight from the challenges and successes of other families facing similar circumstances.

NAMI’s Support Groups are unique because they follow a structured model, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to be heard and to get what they need. The NAMI Family Support Group is:

  • Free of cost to participants

  • Designed for adult loved ones (18+) of individuals living with mental illness

  • Led by family members of individuals living with mental illness

  • Meets second and fourth Thursday every month from 7:00-9:00 pm

  • No specific medical therapy or medication is endorsed or recommended

  • Confidential 

What You’ll Gain

By sharing your experiences in a safe and confidential setting, you gain hope and develop supportive relationships. This group allows your voice to be heard, and provides an opportunity for your personal needs to be met. It encourages empathy, productive discussion, and a sense of community. You’ll benefit through other’s experiences, discover your inner strength, and learn now to identify local resources and how to use them.

NAMI Family Support Group will help you:

  • See the individual first, not the illness

  • Recognize that mental illnesses are medical illnesses that may have environmental triggers

  • Understand that mental illnesses are traumatic events

  • Aim for better coping skills

  • Find strength in sharing experiences

  • Reject stigma and not tolerate discrimination

  • Not judge anyone’s pain

  • Forgive ourselves and reject guilt

  • Embrace humor

  • Accept that we cannot solve every problem

  • Work for a better future in a realistic way 

What People are Saying

Using the [NAMI] support group model is so essential to the success of our family support groups. As a group, the collective wisdom covered a lot of possibilities.”

The most beneficial thing for me was that I am not alone. I found the NAMI Family Support Group at the time I really needed it!”

March 2

Educational Meeting Topic: Key Development Center, Inc.

March 12

Connection Support Group